Five FREE webinars were run from May to July 2020 and a total of 568 different participants were reached. Although the majority of attendees were from the United Kingdom, there were also participants from Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Kuwait, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, United States, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Bulgaria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany and Ireland!
These webinars are free to access and we have given participants the opportunity to contribute to either Send a Cow or Vet Life via the following link We have so far raised £1090 for these charities.
Recorded webinars - UK Sheep Industry – Where are we & where are we going? The panel of Nick Hart (sheep farmer & SVS President), Phil Stocker (NSA) & Fiona Lovatt (Flock Health Clubs) explored the current condition of the UK sheep industry & where we think we might be over the next five years. There were 267 registered for the webinar and 115 separate attendees of the live event. With thanks to Project Lamb & MSD Animal Health.
How can vets best engage with sheep farmers? In this practical webinar, Fiona Lovatt & Phillipa Page discussed with sheep farmers exactly what they most value in their relationship with their vet & how they feel vets could most improve the service they offer.The panellists included Charles Sercombe (pedigree and commercial sheep farmer, chairman of SHAWG), Kevin Harrison (commercial flock manager, chairman of SCOPS), Pauhla Whitaker (organic sheep & beef farmer), Matt Blyth (recently large flock manager, now agricultural advisor). There were 311 participants registered for the webinar and 104 individuals joined the live event . To access the recording click the above title. With thanks to Project Lamb & MSD Animal Health.
How can vets best ensure successful lamb growth? In this webinar, Lesley Stubbings, Liz Genever & Fiona Lovatt focused on optimum lamb growth & key influencing factors, including grassland management & parasites & how sheep vets are best able to interact with sheep farmers in these areas. There were 326 participants registered for this webinar and 102 individuals who joined the live event. To access the recording, click on the title above. With thanks to Bimeda.
Sheep Flock Economics – bottom line & showing cost benefit Kate Phillips discussed the range of financial situations on UK sheep farms and covered practical flock accounting. She also shared insights learnt from undertaking cost-of-production calculations for hundreds of flocks. There were 283 participants who registered for this webinar and 86 individuals who joined the live event. To access the recording, click on the title. With thanks to Project Lamb & MSD Animal Health.
Flock Data Handling – focus on key performance indicators A wealth of data can be collected on sheep farms via flock software but the data is not always used to its full potential or readily available to the vets. In this webinar, Phillipa Page and Fiona Lovatt explored the veterinary possibilities looking at different sources of flock data with Matt Blyth from Blyth Advisory Services and Pete Stokers from Datamars. There were 280 participants who registered for this webinar and 84 individuals who joined the live event. To access the recording click on the title. With thanks to Datamars & Boehringer-Ingelheim.


Flock Health Ltd are leading experts in delivering practical teaching to vets, farmers, agricultural merchants, SQPs and other representatives from the sheep industry.
We arrange and deliver workshops, seminars or lecture-based training on farm or in conference centre, hotel or village hall settings. We specialise in hands-on practical training in the field or barn and can cater for small or large groups for an evening meeting, one day events or whole roadshows.
We have both attended organised events and arranged our own across England, Wales, Scotland and all of Ireland. Further afield that we have contributed to events in Germany, Canada and New Zealand.
Some of our recent talks have been entitled:

(Meeting Resource Packs are available for all the topics that are marked with an asterisk. To find out more please CLICK HERE.)

- Flock Health Planning – The Challenges of Planned Advice vs a Fire Brigade Service
- How to Get the Most Value for Your Health Dollars
- UK Perspective on Targeted Anthelmintic Treatment Programs
- Coccidiosis – Risk Assessments & Targeted Control (***)
- Welfare Assessment on Sheep Farms
- Preparation for lambing time
- Fluke, Schmallenberg & Scab
- Respiratory Diseases of Sheep
Teaching veterinary students

Fiona Lovatt has been involved with sheep teaching at the University of Nottingham veterinary school since 2006 and has held the role of Clinical Associate Professor in Sheep Production Medicine since August 2013.
She has developed sheep lectures & seminars within the Animal Health & Welfare, Reproduction, Respiratory, Musculo-Skeletal and Neurology modules as well as developed case studies and self-study sessions for undergraduates.

She runs a sheep flock health seminar by teleconference on a fortnightly basis for final year students as well as accompanies students on to sheep farms for advisory flock health visits.
She has also developed and delivered a one day course entitled ‘Sheep Flock Health’ to farm animal elective final year students at the Royal Veterinary College and has contributed to the farm animal elective at the Universities of Liverpool and Bristol.